Anonymous Feedback

Hassan Khosravi

The main objective of this page is to provide a mechanism for my students to express what they like or dislike about my teaching or supervision anonymously. Constructive comments and feedback of all kinds from students as well as colleagues, collaborators or anyone visiting this page are very welcome!

If you are a student taking a coures with me, it would be really helpful if you could mention the name of the course. If appropriate, I might post your comment or a paraphrase of it on the discussion boards and respond to it. Please do not use this form to ask personal questions (about marks, assignments etc.), where I would need to know who you are in order to answer your question. Instead, send regular email or visit office hours. Also please do not use this form to ask ordinary questions (about lecture or course policies) when you don't particularly need to be anonymous. Instead, post these questions on the discussion board.