CPSC 221: Basic Algorithms and Data Structures
2014 Winter Term 2
Programming Guidelines

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Robustness: Your primary task is to create a working, robust program. This means that your program should produce correct answers on all legal input and produce comprehensible error messages on invalid input. Keep in mind that (unless otherwise mentioned) unreasonably long running time is probably an error.

How should you ensure robustness? We use the Google Test (and Google Mock) testing framework to help you reach that goal. You should ensure that your tests adequately exercise each function and ideally test overall program performance. In addition, you should complete the following Unpatented Steps to Robust CodeTM in succession on a Linux ugrad.cs.ubc.ca servers (like lulu.ugrad.cs.ubc.ca) before submitting your code:

This doesn't guarantee robustness, but it's a good start! Turn in your test cases; they may help us grade your work (read: give you the maximum possible amount of credit). Better yet, use the tools and techniques you learned in CPSC 110/210 to ensure that your code is robust!

Coding clearly: You should always make an effort to write code that is easy for other people to read. In the real world, this is an important skill that is valued higher than cleverness or using the least number of lines/characters possible. In this class, it is important so that we can understand your program and grade it fairly. By reading through your code and comments, we should be able to figure out how your code is organized and why it works. If we can't, we reserve the right to deduct marks.

In the real world, most large (and many smaller) companies enforce specific coding style guidelines. Some recent instances of 221 have enforced Google's C++ style guide , which is an example of a good style guideline. We won't force you to code that way (and specifically, we tend to use C++'s stream-based I/O instead of C-style scanf/printf), but it's a good way to learn good style. You may also want to check that your code cleanly passes Google's lint program run as cpplint.py --filter=-readability/streams, which checks for common coding and style mistakes.

Speed: As long as your program takes a reasonable amount of time, we will neither dock points nor give bonus points on the basis of speed. In other words, all of your data structures should have the expected asymptotic time and space complexity, but the constants will not generally matter. Robustness and clarity come first! If you're curious about how to make programs run blazingly fast, talk to us, and we'll give you some tips and tools. (Here's a freebie: never optimize any piece of code until you've tested your program's speed and discovered that that code is a bottleneck. Here's another: use a profiling tool like gprof to find and improve your bottlenecks; don't just guess where they are!)

Working Individually vs. with Partners: All of the programming projects this term will be designed to be completed in groups, normally of two. If you choose to work on a programming assignment individually, you may still collaborate as described in the course syllabus (cite the individuals you work with in your README.txt file). However, we expect that all of these assignments will be easier completed in groups!

Ideally, we view group work as a way for people with complementary skills to tackle the problem together in order to learn more effectively and to deal with difficulties in the development process, bugs in their code, or problems with UNIX/g++. Two heads are often better than one in these situations! Our expectation is that all group members will work on the program together rather than dividing the program into parts and sewing the parts together the day before the project is due.. but you are allowed to do this (strongly discouraged but allowed). For those of you who decide to work in a group, here is what we expect of you:

We firmly believe in the value of collaboration. The above rules are intended to ensure that all group members learn from the work. If you have any questions or problems with these policies, let us know (but do NOT violate them) or simply work by yourself.

Handin procedures:

Your Makefile may support handin directly. Read the assignment documentation for more info.

Programming projects will be submitted electronically using the handin tool by 9PM on the project due date. Late work will not be accepted. Only one group member should handin the code! We may be flexible with due dates if you contact us well in advance of the original due date.

Include all code files and header files required to compile and run your project in your submission. Also, include any other files (such as sample input) necessary for correctly running your program. Among these should be a CMakeLists.txt which will correctly build, compile, and link your code when we run "cmake" and then "make" and test your code when we run "make test"! Do not send executables, or sample output. Finally, of course, include a README.txt file which describes your submission.

Generally, the contents of the README.txt will be described on the assignment writeup, but here are items that should always be included:

To use handin, place all the files to be submitted in the directory whose name is:


where NAME is the name of the assignment (e.g., assign1, proj1, assign2, ...).

For instance, to submit proj2, student r2d2 would first (if necessary) create a directory called cs221 in her.. his.. its home directory by typing the following commands at the prompt in the Xterm window from its home directory:

mkdir cs221

It would then create the proj2 subdirectory by typing the commands

cd cs221 ; mkdir proj2

After placing the files containing its solutions for proj2 in the directory


created in the previous steps, r2d2 would then run the handin command while in its home directory:

handin cs221 proj2

After you have submitted your assignment, always verify that the handin was successful using the -c option to handin.

handin -c cs221 proj2

If you want to overwrite an already submitted copy of your assignment, you can do it using the -o option:

handin -o cs221 proj2

You can use the -o option as many times as you like. Submit your work well in advance of the deadline, even if it is not yet finished, and then overwrite the submission regularly until you are ready to handin the final copy. This will prevent you from getting in trouble if your computer or the network connection dies right before you submit your assignment. Note that you can not overwrite your submission after the deadline has passed.

Handing in from home?

Did you know that you can access your lab account from your own computer? If you are on Windows, simply install XManager. You'll be able to use Xshell like a UNIX terminal in the lab, and Xftp to transfer files. If you're having trouble figuring out how to do this, use the discussion board or contact the staff.

Mac OS and Linux users have a built in Terminal where they can run programs to access our servers. Logging into your CS user account can be done like this:

ssh -Y r2d2@remote.ugrad.cs.ubc.ca

The -Y option enables graphical programs to be run remotely, such as emacs. (If you are on a Mac, you will probably have to install X11 first to get that GUI stuff to work.) To transfer files to your account on our servers in preparation for a handin, you can use ftp or scp. For example:

scp source-file r2d2@remote.ugrad.cs.ubc.ca:

Don't forget the colon at the end!

You may also wish to try Web Handin. But.. does your code work properly on lulu.ugrad.cs.ubc.ca? Web Handin also tends to mess up directory structures, so we would prefer you to use XManager.